Kick-Point fun & football – innovative football fun with connection to social media at the Hannover Messe.
On invitation of the institute of German economy (INSTI) the Kick-Point electronic football goal of Kick-Point GmbH from Rheine presented itself as selected innovation in hall 2 of the Hannover Messe (hall of innovations) in 2005, the year of the patent granting. In 2013 the innovative football goal was again in on it.
At the stand of the federal ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) the Kick-Point electronic football goal was one of four selected innovations presented by the innovation and technology location Germany under the slogan “experience innovation – discover energy- develop ideas”.
Thereby the innovative advancement approaches in alignment with the clients request and the altered communication possibilities of the Kick-Point were illustrated.
The product presentation of the Kick-Point focused on the connection of the event communication with the online communication of the Kick-Point clients. In former years players experienced football fun with the Kick-Point by shooting three times at the electronic goal, to then receive feedback concerning shot placement and shot velocity via shot repetition on screen and a printed certificate. In the year 2013, in times of facebook, twitter, etc. it is a desire of the player to share his individual results and goal shooting performance with his friends and within his community. So Kick-Point produces a so called QR Code (two dimensional, scan able code) for the players’ certificates, which saves and depicts the players’ data and their results in an encoded form. By scanning this QR code with his mobile phone, every player can post where and when he scored which achievement.
„ The integration and connection of social media platforms with the Kick-Point playing fun meets the rapidly changing communication needs of society. At the same time, this connection means for clients booking the Kick-Point a further opportunity for advertisement without any additional costs. Because some hundred visitors and players might post right from the event where they are, what they experience, and what they achieved”, concludes CEO Volker Dingwerth.
As the host of the BMWi stand, the federal minister of Economics and Technology and vice chancellor Phillip Rösler used his chance to have the executive associate of the Kick-Point GmbH and patentee Volker Dingwerth explain to him the product and its possibilities (see photo above).