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Interactive football goal – the all-rounder among the event modules

In a time in which versatility is becoming more and more important, our interactive football goal really shows its potential. This versatility is evident on a wide variety of levels. This way, you can set many game variants and versions in an almost unnameable way. The principle is and remains simple, shoot and hit a real football goal! Whether it’s simply shooting at points, the football dart variant, a football quiz, or even inside a football match. Rugby adapted game variant, or even handball can be easily implemented through our interactive football goal and is already field-tested. But our patented Kick-Point interactive football goal also leaves nothing to be desired when it comes to advertising. So your wish banner can be easily and quickly fixed in the goal net, equip the traverse all around with banners, customize your promotion desk and much more. The customer even takes away a memento if they wish, because the certificates can also be branded individually. Your logo or corporate design can also be implemented on the screen. So one could e.g. Build a goalie with your branding as an additional challenge for the players. But also the ball, the goal itself, the field, the background simply everything can be adjusted by arrangement in your personal game variant. Through our interactive football goal creativity knows no bounds.
  • Kick-Point
  • Kyntheum

Our interactive football goal is easy to describe: it’s not about shooting speed, it’s about shooting skills and shooting precision. After the player has registered his target on the monitor, he tries to hit the corresponding area in the real football goal (therefore interactive football goal) with a real football. After each shot, the evaluation takes place directly with a shot repetition on the screen.

The sensors mounted in the goal frame precisely detect the hit of the ball in the soccer goal. In addition, these also determine the firing speed, which can alternatively be linked with the firing position if desired. After completing his round, each shooter receives a certificate with his very individual scoring shot evaluation. In addition, the results can also be put online and complete QR codes on the certificate. These comments can then also be posted on the social networks. Our interactive soccer goal also offers the possibility of online connection of your event!

  • AC Milan

Classic meets modernity with Kick-Point interactive football goal

Another positive aspect is the uniqueness of this particular module. As an electronic football goal, it combines in some ways something very modern with something classic, almost archaic, despite the whole technology is and remains the focus on the movement and the shot. Everyone has fun whether young grandson, grandmother, athlete or techie. It’s not Virtual vs. Real, it’s virtually hand in hand with real, easy physical activity. It spurs players to do their best and remains in memory. So also at the season opening of Borussia Dortmund earlier this month. The possibilities around our interactive football goal are huge and we are happy to advise you in detail.