The idea behind the Innovation Games
In 2019, Nissan as one of the main sponsors of UEFA Champions League, created a unique competition among South American countries. The intention was to find the two most talented teenagers. Therefore, a pre-selection was held in each participating country who then sent its two representatives to the South American final of Nissan Innovation games. The pre-selections already proved to be challenging for the participants. Every single aspect of football play was tested in different competitions and only those players who mastered every single competition got the chance to represent their countries. The final, hosted in Buenos Aires, awaited the players with unique competitions and an outstanding ambience that was created especially for this event.
Attendees get to visit the UEFA Champions League final
Through the «Innovate Your Game» challenge, the teenage attendees had to demonstrate how the thrill of driving can be linked to the passion of football. The participants were subjected to tests of mastery, precision, control and power, characteristics that can not only be found in football play, but also in development of cars. In order to represent those characteristics, there were different unique activities developed for this event. The competition was divided into two parts. In the first stage, which was focussed purely on individual skills, each activity depicted one of Nissan’s latest invention for their cars: